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The BlinkenLEDs project (hardware and player for Windows) from HooMair was one of the first 144-pixels-reproductions. The idea was born in a thread of the jaLCDs-boards, where they actually discussed about blinking keyboard-LEDs ( read thread). One thing was certain, the set up of the hardware: 144 Low-Current-LEDs should be controlled from shift-registers on the parallel port. Very soon a tutorial was already available at BlinkenLEDs.de and some people started, to build a BlinkenLEDs, too.
Later on some etch-templates and new software like BlinkenPlayerExxtreme or BlinkenTool were attached. Greyscales are originally not implementated for BlinkenLEDs, but can be upgraded.
As the wiring of the PCB is quite difficult, Ca$cAde and Meb developed a BlinkenLEDs PCB. The latest version includes minor bugfixes by ST:
1stein has clicked a space-saving PCB, which additionally supports greyscales (for use with suitable software)
mounted BlinkenLEDs Pro PCB 1.0 [0.7 MB]
BlinkenLEDs Pro parts list (Prices in EUR, dated 2005-11-27):
Q. | Article | Type/Value | Identifier | Reichelt No. | Price | Sum |
1 | power connector | 200mil | CON1 | AKL 101-02 | 0,13 | 0,13 |
1 | SUB-D connector | 25pin male | CON2 | D-SUB ST 25EU | 0,42 | 0,42 |
1 | resistor 1/8W | 100 | R18 | 1/4W 100 | 0,10 | 0,10 |
1 | resistor 1/8W | 1K | R19 | 1/4W 1,0K | 0,10 | 0,10 |
2 | resistor 1/8W | 2K7 | R20 R21 | 1/4W 2,7K | 0,10 | 0,20 |
18 | 8 resistor array (9 pin) | 560 | R0-R17 | SIL 9-8 560 | 0,12 | 2,16 |
21 | ceramic capacitor | 100nF | C0-C17, C19-C21 | Z5U-5 100n | 0,06 | 1,26 |
1 | transistor | BC547 | T1 | BC 547B | 0,03 | 0,03 |
18 | shift register | 74HC4094 | IC0-IC17 | 74HC 4094 | 0,33 | 5,94 |
1 | timer chip | NE555 / LM555 | IC18 | NE 555 DIP | 0,12 | 0,12 |
18 | sockets for 74HC4094 | 16 pins | for IC0-IC17 | GS 16 | 0,04 | 0,72 |
1 | socket for 555 | 8 pins | for IC18 | GS 8 | 0,03 | 0,03 |
1 | electrolytic capacitor | 2200uF | C18 | RAD 2.200/16 | 0,26 | 0,26 |
1 | connection cable | 1,8m | -- | AK 4040 | 1,20 | 1,20 |
1 | power supply | 5V/1A | -- | Pollin 350.517 | 2,45 | 2,45 |
Sum in EUR (without PCB and LEDs) | 15,12 |
BlinkenLEDs 2.12, BlinkenLEDs Pro 1.0 & 1.1 [1.2 MB]
BlinkenLEDs Pro 1.1 PCB scan [2 MB]
-- KatharinaMueller - 21 Jun 2004 (translation)
-- StefanSchuermans & STephanKambor & ArneRossius - 04 Jun 2006