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Firefox, Mozilla Suite or SeaMonkey TWiki AddOn
Welcome to TWiki: a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base or any other groupware tool on either on an intranet or on the Internet.
This is the place to learn about TWiki features, find where to download it, and try it out for yourself...
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The official TWikiTM site is http://twiki.org/
TWiki User's Guide
Documentation for TWiki users.
- TWiki Quick Start - the fast track approach
- One-Page Primers cover TWiki basics
- TWikiTutorial: A compact, 20-minute TWiki primer
- TWikiSite: Instant overview - first, there was Wiki
- TWikiTopics: Customize, rename, move, or delete TWiki topics
- GoodStyle: Working tips for an open collaboration environment
- TWikiShorthand: All of the TWiki shorthand basics
- TextFormattingRules: Scan all TWiki text formatting rules on one page
- TWikiVariables: How to easily embed text, graphics, dynamic content
- FileAttachments: Browser-upload files for distribution or display
- WebChangesAlert: Get email alerts linking to the latest page changes
- TWikiGlossary: A simple glossary of TWiki terms
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- Help on Installed Plugins
- DefaultPlugin: This plugin can be used to specify some simple custom rendering rules. It also renders deprecated
*_text_* as bold italic text.
- CommentPlugin: Allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle.
- EditTablePlugin: Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
- InterwikiPlugin: Link
ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in the InterWikis topic.
- RenderListPlugin: Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- SlideShowPlugin: Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
- SmiliesPlugin: Render smilies as icons, like
%:-)% for or :cool: for
- SpreadSheetPlugin: Add spreadsheet calculation like
"$SUM( $ABOVE() )" to tables located in BlinkenArea topics.
ADMINS: In less than an hour, you can read through and customize the User's Guide to reflect the exact feature set enabled on your own TWiki site. See also other enhancement pages:
TWiki Reference Manual
Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users of the TWiki advanced online collaboration platform.
- TWikiSiteTools include utilities for navigation and for monitoring TWiki web and site-wide activity.
- The SiteMap: A color-coded directory of available webs that can be easily included on any page (below)
- You are currently in the TWiki web. The color code for this web is this background, so you know where you are.
- If you are not familiar with the BlinkenArea collaboration platform, please visit WelcomeGuest first.
- TWikiTM is a trademark of Peter Thoeny
- TWiki is developed as Free Software under the GNU/GPL
- This site is running TWiki version 04 Sep 2004 $Rev: 1742 $
- Get the current version from TWiki.org Downloads
-- STephanKambor - 06 Jan 2006