powered by:
- internal code name: Glühbirnenglotze
- will be build on the CBC2004 by (almost) everybody in teamwork
mechanical data:
- 26 x 20 windows, 98.4 x 149.6 cm
- divisible into 4 parts, each with 13 x 10 windows, 49.2 x 74.8 cm
- window size 3.8 x 7.5 cm, 1 cm border between windows, 4mm border outside, 2.8 x 6.5 cm light area
- base is wooden board, into which holes for the bulbs are drilled
- aluminium foil on front surface of board as reflector and maybe positive pole
- light area out of sandwich paper behind a thin plexiglass pane
electrical data:
- one light bulb per window: 18 V 100 mA
- driven with Darlington arrays ULN2803
- storage of the current lamp states in latches (74HC573 oder 74HC574) to convert the matrix drive into a "real" PWM for each lamp
- power supply with homebuild mains adapter 20 V 40 A
- transformer (15 V rms, 21 V maximum, 40 A)
- rectifier (8 duo Schottky diods on heatsink)
- electrolytic cpacitor aggregation (94 mF out of 20 times 4700 µF)
![[Netzteil]](/pub/Blinkenarea/ArcadeMaxi/netzteil_2004-05-14-thumb.jpg) |
![[Elkos]](/pub/Blinkenarea/ArcadeMaxi/netzteil_elkos_2004-05-14-thumb.jpg) |
power supply unit | capacitors |
-- StefanSchuermans & STephanKambor - 19 Dec 2004