+Welcome, this is CAVAC blinkserv Version 0.8 ########################### ### LOGO ## ########################### . HELO +Hello there in outer space, these are the things i understand: COMD USER COMD PASS COMD HELP COMD QUIT COMD LIST COMD RETR COMD SEND COMD DELE COMD LOVE COMD PLAY FILE BLM . USER anonymous +Storing username for further authentification, send PASS next PASS anonymous +Welcome to file-transfer mode LIST +Listing available files chat_noir.blm chaosknoten.blm . RETR chaosknoten.blm +Ok, sending file chaosknoten.blm # BlinkenLights Movie 18x8 # name = Chaosknoten # category = CCC # description = Der Chaosknoten ist seit 20 Jahren das Logo des Chaos Computer Club. Die 18x8 Variante kommt dem Original überraschend nah. # author = Björn Barnekow # email = bjoern@digitalitis.de @1000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 @50 000000000000000000 000000000100000000 [...Most of file snipped...] 011111111000001100 000000000000011010 000000000000101001 . SEND chaosknoten.blm -File exists DELE chaosknoten.blm +File deleted SEND chaosknoten.blm +Yeah, gimme now! # BlinkenLights Movie 18x8 # name = Chaosknoten 000000000100000000 [...Most of file snipped...] 000000000000101001 . +Hmm, yeah, seems to be OK - file stored. LOVE chaosknoten.blm +Isn't love beautiful? # BlinkenLights Movie 18x8 # name = Chaosknoten 000000000100000000 [...Most of file snipped...] 000000000000101001 . +Your loveletter for him/her/it is accepted STORED 13245345 For your Information: You may access your loveletter under the unique ID 13245345 either through this servers PLAY command, through the http://bli.bla.blu/love.html website or dialing the LOVE-Server with your cell-phone: Germany (0049) 12345 / 7778889 Wait for the chime-sound, dial the 9, wait for another chime and then dial the ID, following by '#' . PLAY 13245345 +Loveletter scheduled. LittleLights will play it after current animation. QUIT +Goodbye